Tess Hazelden

Tess Hazelden

About me

I am a passionate real estate professional with two years of valuable experience in the industry. What truly captivates me about real estate is the opportunity to assist people in their journey of buying and selling homes. The joy of being able to guide individuals through this process, from beginning to end, is incredibly fulfilling to me.

One of the aspects I cherish most about my role is the chance to help people make one of the most important decisions of their lives. Whether it's finding the perfect home for a growing family or assisting someone in selling their property, I take great pride in being a trusted advisor throughout the entire real estate transaction.

Beyond my work in real estate, I have a rich tapestry of interests that bring balance to my life. Family holds a special place in my heart, and spending quality time with loved ones is a top priority for me. Additionally, I find solace and adventure in the great outdoors. Camping, fishing, and boating are activities that rejuvenate me and allow me to connect with nature.

In summary, I am Tess, a dedicated real estate professional who finds immense joy in assisting people throughout their real estate journeys. When I'm not working, you can often find me spending quality time with my family, exploring the outdoors, or immersing myself in the beauty of music.